Presenters & Performers

Margaret Harper
Organist Margaret Harper has performed across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Croatian newspaper Glas Slavonije writes, “The freezing cold of a January evening dominated the cathedral in Djakovo, but it could not diminish the richness and warmth of sound brought out of the cathedral organ by Margaret Harper.” Margaret has performed for national conferences of the Organ Historical Society and the Association of Anglican Musicians.
Margaret currently serves as the Associate Director of Music and Organist at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas, TX, one of the nation’s largest Episcopal churches. At Saint Michael, she helps to run a diverse music program, including overseeing a thriving chorister program, teaching music history courses for adults, acting as founding Co-Manager for the RSCM-America Dallas Boys Course, and serving as one of three full-time organists on staff.
Previously, Margaret served as the Director of Music and Liturgy at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Portsmouth, NH, where she was the founding Director of The Choir School at St. John’s. In addition, Margaret has also served as Artist Faculty in Organ at the University of Southern Maine, on the faculty of the Young Organist Collaborative, and as a secondary instructor of organ at the Eastman School of Music.
Margaret holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree and a Performer’s Certificate from the Eastman School of Music. She has served in many leadership roles for the American Guild of Organists, most recently as District Convener for NH, ME, and VT.